Stretch bands and elastics

Showing all 11 results

Stretch bands and elastics

Stretch bands and elastics 6 pcs.

9.190 ISK

Stretch bands and elastics

Elastic bands 2 in pk. 32mm/4.9m 1200kg

13.490 ISK

Stretch bands and elastics

Elastic bands set for cars

34.790 ISK
Vara væntanleg

Stretch bands and elastics

Strekkiband sjálfv. strekking 50mm/3m

8.190 ISK
Vara væntanleg

Stretch bands and elastics

Strekkiband 35mm/6m 2000kg

Stretch bands and elastics

Strekkiband 35mm/5m 2000kg

4.852 ISK

Stretch bands and elastics

Strekkibönd 2 í pk. 25mm/5m 200kg

1.390 ISK

Stretch bands and elastics

Strappar fyrir mótorhjól 2 í pakka

1.190 ISK

Stretch bands and elastics

Teygjuband 8 arma – 1000 mm

3.670 ISK

Stretch bands and elastics

Teygjubönd blandaðar stærðir 20 stk.

6.710 ISK