RAL-9010 lakksprey hvítt háglans 400ml

Vörunúmer 048 474491

3.117 kr.

MoTip Aqua Acryl spray paint is ECOFRIENDLY because a huge 90% of the solvents have been replaced by water.

MoTip Aqua Acryl spray paint is highly suitable for painting toys, for example, because the spray paint is water-based. Its properties have been carefully tested in accordance with standard NEN-EN 71-3 Safety of toys*.

This user friendly spray paint is fast-drying, has a lasting gloss and is pleasant to use thanks to the fine atomisation and the attractive spraying pattern. The paint layer is flexible and lastingly protects the surface, including against UV-light, so you can enjoy your paint results for a long time to come. This spray paint is suitable for both indoor and outdoor projects, and is ideal for painting garden furniture, garden tools, children’s room and toys.

You can apply MoTip Aqua Acryl to virtually any surface, including wood, metal, card, fabric, glass, wicker, ceramic and polystyrene.

The MoTip Aqua Acryl range comprises primers, a choice of colours in gloss and matt, and clear varnishes.

Vörumerki: MOTIP

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