Rust Stop 4 in 1 er lakk sem inniheldur virk ryðvarnarefni, lakkið stöðvar ryðmyndun, ver, grunnar, þekur vel og litar. Rust Stop 4 in 1 hefur gríðarlega góða viðloðun við flestar gerðir yfirborðsflata svo sem járn, venjulegar og zink húðaðar járnplötur, kopar, ál og jafnvel tré, stein og gler.
Athugið að það er ekki þörf á því að nota grunn undir Rust Stop 4 in 1 og engin þörf er að nota glæru eftir lökkun.
- Basis of the binder: Nitro-combi
- Colour: specific
- Smell: solvent
- Degree of gloss: measuring angle 60° after DIN 67530 Satin matt shades: 30 – 40 gloss units
- Efficiency: Depending on condition and colour of the ground, 400 ml are sufficient for approx. 1.5 – 2.0 m²
- Drying (at 20°C, 50% relative air humidity): Dust-dry: after 10 minutes Dry to touch: after approx. 20 minutes Cured/coatable: after approx. 30 minutes Can be re-coated: after approx. 12 hours The drying time depends of temperature of surroundings, air humidity and thickness of the applied layer.
- Temperature-resistance: up to 80°C
- Disposal: Put only empty cans into the recycling bin. Bring cans with remainders of paint to the special refuse disposal.
- Storage stability: 10 years if appropriate storage provided (=10°-25°C, relative air humidity max. 60%).
- Contents: aerosol cans with max. nominal volume of 400 ml
Ítarlegri upplýsing í fylgiskjölum